
Psychotherapeutic Practice (HeilprG)
Isabelle Subirats
Heilpraktikerin, beschränkt auf Psychotherapie (non-medical practitioner)
Therapy for couples and individuals,
coaching and psychological counselling
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Welcome !

In life, some periods are more difficult to cope with than others.

We may have the impression as though we have reached our own personal limits, or we may experience the sensation of being trapped - alone or as a couple - in an endless circle of ideas, feelings or recurring situations without finding a way out. Or, maybe, we just long for new challenges.

Sometimes, an event disturbs our balance and we feel destabilized. Also, long lasting problems might need to be addressed one day.We want to find the keys to free ourselves from negative feelings so that we can leave them behind. Open a door to “the new” or take a new direction.

There is often a way out, even from complex situations. Sometimes we are too close to see a solution.At this point, assistance from outside can be of a substantial help.

By reading this, you already have taken an important step towards improving your situation if you are looking for professional help.

 I offer to accompany you
-couples or individuals-
during this phase on this path of your life.

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